HPS Deutschland GmbH


HPS Deutschland GmbH


Weingartenstr. 6
65795 Hattersheim





Inhouse - "Meet & Convince" Presentation conference style

Interactive presentations to small groups of decision makers

What you learn

  • 6 steps – a strategic concept from the opening to the close
  • Recognize partner needs and interests – specifically address them via agenda-check
  • Relating, Opening, Checking: professional dialogue-based discussions with groups
  • Recognize key (non-)verbal signals and reacting appropriately
  • Professionally handle objections and turn them into opportunities
  • Reach your goals confidently and agree on binding results
  • Presentation media and visual aids for small groups – TOP-Flip® and notebook
  • Practical  orientation: select benefit-oriented convincing arguments and present  them with a flexible structure using the FLEXO-Struct®
  • Use closing techniques to get to "YES"

Bei dieser Veranstaltung handelt es sich um eine Inhouse-Veranstaltung.

What you  gain

You  will acquire the sensitivity, tools and techniques  needed for  presentations "around the table". You will know how to deal with the  interactive presentation, practice checking, encouraging and   controlling the dialogue with your partners. You will develop selling   skills for your ideas, products, services and projects and apply them   with sensitivity and confidence to achieve your goal.

This seminar can be held online or in presence.
Anyone who needs to "sell their ideas", products, services, budgets, etc. Useful if you need to deliver convincing, logical presentations in a sit-down meeting to small groups (3 – 6 people). The training is tailored towards managers, project leaders, sales professionals, key account managers and consultants, anyone who wants to get a "yes" or positive action at the conclusion of their meeting.
3 bis 10
frei Vereinbar

Termine und Orte